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  1. SRSG Miroslav Jenča meets French High Level Officials

    20 May 2010 SRSG Jenča held meetings on 17 and 20 May with high level MFA officials from France, including Secretary of State for European Affairs, Mr. Pierre Lellouche.

  2. SRSG speaks at the CARRIC event in Almaty

    9 December 2009 ALMATY, Kazakhstan

  3. Peer helpers training for UN staff members in Afghanistan is conducted in Ashgabat

    31 January 2011 ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan –

  4. SRSG Miroslav Jenča meets with high-level officials in Tashkent

    29 February 2012 TASHKENT, Uzbekistan -

  5. SRSG Jenča took part in the IV Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions

    31 May 2012 ASTANA, Kazakhstan –

  6. UNRCCA took part in the First Regional Meeting on the UN Task Force

    2 June 2012 DUSHANBE, Tajikistan –

  7. SRSG's participation at the Ministerial Meeting in Kazakhstan

    26 April 2013 ALMATY, Kazakhstan -

  8. SRSG Jenča visits Afghanistan

    6 August 2013 KABUL, Afghanistan -

  9. UNRCCA took part at 2013 SPECA Economic Forum

    21 November 2013 ALMATY, Kazakhstan --

  10. SRSG's visit to Kazakhstan

    21 October 2014 The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNRCCA, Miroslav Jenča, in Astana with Minister of Foreign Affairs Erlan Idrissov, on 21 October, 2014 Kazakhstan  ASTANA, Kazakhstan ...
