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  1. Petko Draganov: Events in Kunduz exposed the fragility of the situation in Afghanistan on the border with Central Asia

    19 October 2015   ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan -  

  2. Elections should be accepted by people to stabilize the situation- Jenča

    12 October 2011 ASTANA, Kazakhstan

  3. Diplomacy in Action: Miroslav Jenča

    21 January 2015 NEW YORK

  4. UN Calling Asia: Focus on Terrorism, Interfaith Dialogue and Financial Systems: Petko Draganov

    10 September 2015 NEW YORK -

  5. "Beginnings" of Central Asian Cooperation over Terror Prevention

    30 March 2016 ALMATY, Kazakhstan

  6. UNRCCA delivers a lecture at the Institute of the International Relations under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan

    1 October 2011 ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan


    10 July 2023 Mr. Kaha Imnadze (Georgia, 2023-present)

  8. UNRCCA hosted partnership meeting on water-related issues

    14 June 2018... Partnership Meeting on Water related Issues in Central Asia (June 2018) ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan ...

  9. Statement by the President of the Security Council

    26 January 2018 NY, January 25, 2018: At the 8162nd meeting of the Security Council, held on 19 January 2018, in connection with the Council’s consideration of the item entitled “Mainte

  10. International Conference on Security and Development in Samarkand

    11 November 2017  
