Statement by the UN, OSCE and EU Special Envoys on the situation in Kyrgyzstan
BISHKEK, Kyrgyz Republic
The Special Envoys confirm their support to the people and Government of Kyrgyzstan in the country's endeavours to guarantee the secure and stable development of Kyrgyzstan inter alia to; strengthen democratic institutions; develop political dialogue; provide assistance to the victims of recent violence; achieve national reconciliation; protect human rights; and strengthen the rule of law including combating impunity and organized crime.
Noting the particular importance of the forthcoming 10 October parliamentary elections, the Special Envoys urge all relevant actors, including the Government of Kyrgyzstan, to ensure that the elections are equal, free, fair and in line with international standards. The Special Envoys also call upon the political parties to show mutual tolerance and respect for opponents during the election campaign to ensure transparent and secure elections. Durable peace and stability can be achieved through continuous inclusive dialogue that addresses the whole range of challenges that the country faces.
The international community stresses the importance of pursuing work in addressing the urgent social and economic problems facing the country.
Following the donors' meeting on 27 July 2010 and taking into account the ongoing efforts by the OSCE, UN and EU, the Special Envoys declare that the international community stands ready to provide its full support to Kyrgyzstan's government in its work to reconstruct the affected areas and create a stable and prosperous future for the country and its people.