Visit of SRSG Miroslav Jenča to Berlin
BERLIN, Germany-
On 20-21 February 2013, SRSG and Head of UNRCCA, Miroslav Jenča, conducted a working visit to Berlin. During the visit, Mr. Jenča held talks with Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, Ms. Cornelia Pieper, a number of senior Foreign Office officials, members of the parliamentary group "Germany - Central Asia", and also met with the leadership of the Bertold Beitz Center for Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Central Asia of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP).
During the meetings an exchange of views took place on the current developments and potential trends in Central Asia, taking into account the situation in Afghanistan in the run up to the planned withdrawal of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) from the country. Prospects for increasing regional efforts in order to promote mutually acceptable solutions for the integrated management of water and energy resources and to counter cross-border threats such as terrorism, extremism, drug trafficking and organized crime, were also on the agenda of the meetings.
UNRCCA conflict prevention activities and the possibility of further support by the German side for UN preventive diplomacy in Central Asia were discussed in detail.