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  1. Secretary-General appoints Petko Draganov of Bulgaria as SRSG of UNRCCA

    17 March 2015 The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced today the appointment of Petko Draganov of Bulgaria as his Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Regional Centre for Preve

  2. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon holds a Press Conference at UNRCCA

    13 June 2015 ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan  

  3. UNRCCA hosts a Mini-Dublin Group Meeting

    15 October 2015 ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan    

  4. Visit of the SRSG and Head of the UNRCCA Petko Draganov to Tashkent

    22 October 2015 TASHKENT, Uzbekistan -

  5. UNRCCA delivers a lecture to Japanese students

    1 March 2016 ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan  

  6. UNRCCA delivers a lecture at Kazak National University

    30 March 2016

  7. Secretary-General appoints Petko Draganov of Bulgaria as SRSG of UNRCCA

    6 December 2016... Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. Mr. Draganov succeeds Miroslav Jenca of ... the UNRCCA since its inception. Language En Dates Tuesday, 17 March, 2015 ...

  8. UNRCCA participated in the Conference and Exhibition of the 20th anniversary of Turkmenistan’s membership in the UN

    3 March 2012 ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

  9. UNRCCA organized Round Table with Pekka Haavisto

    16 May 2011 ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan -

  10. UNRCCA takes part in the Summit of the Heads of States of the IFAS

    28 April 2009 ALMATY, Kazakhstan - On 28 April, a Summit of the Heads of States of the International Fund for Saving
