Publication “Fifth Anniversary of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia"
On the occasion of the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) 5th anniversary, the Centre has published a brochure to mark its anniversary and 5 years of successful work in Central Asian region.
From a historical perspective, five years is not a long time. However, for this new structure, created to aid in the search for joint responses to the main challenges facing such a geopolitically important region as Central Asia, these first years have constituted a very important period. In this time, experience has been acquired in institutionalizing the concept of preventive diplomacy, conflict prevention tools have been applied in practice and mechanisms of cooperation with Governments, international organizations and other partners have been elaborated.
The Centre operates on the basis of its Program of Action for 2012 - 2014, which was developed in the course of consultations with the Governments of Central Asia on the basis of the UNRCCA mandate, also taking into account the previous Program of Action for 2009 - 2011 and past experience. The current Program of Action focuses on addressing issues related to the man¬agement of common natural resources and environmental degradation, the impact of regional trans-boundary threats and the implications of national developments within the countries of Central Asia on regional stability.
The Centre executes its mandate in close cooperation with the Governments of Central Asia. The results of the Centre’s work, its future plans and developments in the region are discussed annually at meetings of Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Central Asian countries.
The results of UNRCCA’s activities in the five years that have passed since its creation testify to significant need for mechanisms of preventive dip¬lomacy in Central Asia. These results are a source of optimism and once again con¬firm that there is no alternative to the peaceful settlement of regional challenges in bilateral and multilateral formats, taking into account the interests of all stakeholders.
The publication is expected to be of interest to diplomats, state officials, academic circles and political analysts of Central Asian states and the international expert community.
Author: UNRCCA
No. of pages: 11
Publication date: 2012
Publisher: UNRCCA
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