Seminar “The Impact of Glaciers Melting on National and Trans-Boundary Water Systems in Central Asia”

12 Apr 2013

Seminar “The Impact of Glaciers Melting on National and Trans-Boundary Water Systems in Central Asia”

ALMATY, Kazakhstan -SRSG Miroslav Jenča opened an international seminar “The Impact of Glaciers Melting on National and Trans-boundary Water Systems in Central Asia”, organized in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on 11-12 April, with the support of the Government of United States of America.

The two-day event was attended by specialists of the relevant ministries and agencies of Central Asian states and Afghanistan, the Executive Committee of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS), international experts, and representatives of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA), UNESCO Regional Office and the World Bank.

Participants discussed the issues related to the impact of glaciers melting on the environmental situation in Central Asia and water resources in the region and reviewed further practical steps in overcoming consequences of this phenomenon, both at the national and regional levels, based on the latest advances in science and technology.  

Participants considered appropriate to combine the efforts of national, regional and international initiatives in conducting an in-depth research in this area and expressed hope that such efforts would be supported by the donor community.

Click here to view the publication developed after the seminar.
