Petko Draganov: Events in Kunduz exposed the fragility of the situation in Afghanistan on the border with Central Asia

19 Oct 2015

Petko Draganov: Events in Kunduz exposed the fragility of the situation in Afghanistan on the border with Central Asia

ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan -
"Recent events in Kunduz have once again indicated the fragility of the situation in the provinces of Afghanistan, bordering with Central Asian countries. The Taliban have stepped up their actions and Central Asian states, taking into account these trends, are taking additional security measures at their borders and strengthening their combat capacities "- Petko Draganov, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General and Head of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA), said in an interview to CA- News.

Full text of the interview (in Russian) is available here.