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  1. SRSG Jenča reported to the UN Security Council

    20 June 2009 NEW YORK –

  2. High-Level Conference “Identifying and Tackling Geo-Strategic Challenges to Promoting Development of the Licit Economy in Afghanistan in the Transformation Decade”

    22 September 2016 DUSHANBE, Tajikistan -

  3. Publication “Early Warning on Potential Trans-Boundary Water Problems Situations in Central Asia”

    17 September 2011 The UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia has issued a new publication on “Early Warning on Potential Trans-boundary Water Problem Situations in C

  4. Management of Common Natural Resources and Environmental Degradation

    21 October 2016 The Central Asian States, namely Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and ... is the key factor for economic development in the Central Asian region, but its water resources are distributed unevenly and its use ...

  5. Workshop "Dialogue with Religious Leaders and Institutions in support of their Role in the Prevention and Resolution of Conflicts and in Countering Extremism in Central Asia"

    22 November 2013   ALMATY, Kazakhstan -  


    7 April 2022 New York, 7 April 2022

  7. Statement by SRSG Natalia Gherman at the Conference “Central Asia: One Past and a Common Future, Cooperation for Sustainable Development and Mutual Prosperity

    11 November 2017... of the UN Secretary-General for Central Asia, Head of the UNRCCA Ms. Natalia Gherman SAMARKAND, 10-11 November 2017 Your Excellences, ...

  8. Secretary-General’s remarks at “Taza Koom” Conference on Public Service [as delivered]

    12 June 2017 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 11 June 2017 Your Excellency Mr. Almazbek Atambaev, President of Kyrgyzstan, Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends,

  9. Welcome address of SRSG Miroslav Jenča at the International Conference "Turkmenistan-UN: 20 years of Cooperation": "Five Years of Preventive Diplomacy in Central Asia: Achievements and Prospects"

    3 March 2012 ASHGABAT,  Turkmenistan Your Excellency, Ladies and gentlemen!

  10. Seminar “Mutually Beneficial Multilateral Water Agreements: Opportunities to add value and share benefits in the energy, agriculture and water sectors in Central Asia through increased regional cooperation”

    21 October 2009 DUSHANBE, Tajikistan -
